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Do any of you use insoles in your shoes while running?
Do any of you use insoles in your shoes while running? If so can you recommend some .
The running store told me if you need insoles, you are in the wrong sneakers
I’ve tried every shoe out there….I’m a neutral pronating, mid foot striker (perfect form) and no shoe works. My arch gets strained so I added superfeet orange and haven’t had an issue yet!!! I don’t wear them in my Hokas, but in every other shoe. My 11 year old’s knees almost touch in shoes with a ton of posting, she hurt badly…we added Superfeet Berry to her shoes and she completed a 13.1 without any pain. Not sure if they’ll work for you, but I’m a believer.
I am not sure why a running store would tell anyone that…they sell insoles??? I think if you go to your local running store and ask them for some advice, they will be the best source. The staff should be educated on the products and what would work best for your foot! Good luck!
Would this also apply to work shoes? Work in an office, all my dress shoes seem/feel to be made out of wood. Sometimes I feel like just wearing my running shoes with my dress attire
I had issues with my (gulp) almost-a-bunion (even with wide shoes). Superfeet green relieved the pressure and also helped some with my it band. Definite believer here!
Superfeet are great if you don’t have orthotics from dr.
Superfeet green wide in my size 14-4E Brooks!
I love my berry Superfeet!
Towards the end of my half my arches felt like they were on fire and pulling. Does anyone know if super feet would help with that? I wear brooks adrenalines.
Yes, Arches hurt because they are not being supported. As with anything shoe related, the salesperson needs to know something about them in order to reccomend the right one for you. go to a store you trust and try the superfeet. They are expensive $45 or so, but there is a 30 day money back guarentee…I bought mine from REI and they will take anything back for any reason also. My problem was actually on the top of my foot…arch!!! crazy, I tried to figure it out for a long time and the SF took care of it instantly!!!
So do you put them on top of the insoles your shoes come with or take those out?
nope…replace the flimsy insole in you shoe and trim to fit…if necessary.
It’s funny they only hurt in really long runs
Yep. Mine only hurt on runs longer than 20…but the hurt for a while after.
I have never bought insoles from a store but I am glad that I got them from the Dr so he could fit them perfect to my feet. Well worth it!! I was silly enough to try a run without them the other day to see if they really did work.. I had to stop 1/2 mile in b/c my feet hurt so bad!
Are there any good store bought ones? Fleet Feet has them in different cushion levels. I dont get hurting feet but I do get strain in my lower legs. He suggested more cushion. Although, I do like minimalist shoes and I am running in a natural
Superfeet!! They are green insoles. You fit them to your arch not the size of your shoe even though they give a shoe range on the package. I work for a podiatrist who is also a marathoner and we see runners all day long. We sell them for $40. I switched over and I will now never go without
Take your insoles out of your shoes and see how unsupportive the arch is even in the $100+ shoes. I paid 130 for Asics Nimbus and the insoles were floppy. The Superfeet will seem a little hard at first, but after a few days, you will see the difference with the arch support.
I’m a HUGE fan of FootBalance. They need to be fitted of course and they’re somewhat pricey (around $75 at my local Road Runner Sports) but they provide excellent support. My plantars fasciitis problems have virtually disappeared. They’re also VERY durable and invariably outlast my shoes. I’ll go through 2-3 pairs of shoes for each pair of insoles.
I have sleeves. They worked for awhile but in the end I run road most of the time. I still ached inside. I love my new shoes! I might add, I bought them and decided not to get the insoles so I could decide on the shoes first. I have zero pain now but I am still curious to the insoles because I am mostly on the road and as I wear my shoes I might try insoles before the shoes get replaced.
Yes…take the insoles out. You will have to cut the Superfeet to fit the shoes. Take the insoles out of your shoes, match up the heels, trace around the toes and cut it to match. This might sound funny, but after wearing them for awhile or if they get really sweaty, they might starting squeaking (actually sounds more like a quiet fart…lol). Take the insole out, add baby powder to the shoes and replace the insole. One of my pairs of shoes did it and one didn’t. They sell them at some of the medical supply stores too.
Birkenstock makes insoles that helped my wife’s plantar fasciitis. Good luck!
Depending how high the arches are. I had molded a lady with super high arches for custom orthotics because the Superfeet were not high enough, but it’s not as common to have the arches she had. Arch supports are for all feet no matter if it’s for PF, tendinitis, flat feet, high arches, or whatever else. They offer stability for everyone.
I had mine made from a physical therapy place and my insurance paid 85%, so they cost me about $30. They have worked well and I am currently using them in mg Ghost 6 shoes.