How to Prevent Running Shoe Blisters With a “Heel Lock” or “Lace Lock”

You know these things?

Shoe Lace Tips

Turns out they’re there for a reason. Check this out.

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You’re supposed to slip your shoelace through them.

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On both sides, like this.

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Then you cross the laces and pull.

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Make it all snug like this.

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And then tie your laces like normal.

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Turns out they’re there to create what’s called a “heel lock” or “lace lock,” which creates extra friction near your ankle.

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This helps keep your heel area nice and tight and helps prevent black toenails by stopping your toes from smashing into the front of your shoe. You can watch the whole tutorial here:


Harry Pino, Ph.D., senior exercise physiologist at the Performance Center at NYU Langone’s Center for Musculoskeletal Care told BuzzFeed how the “lace lock” works.

Pino said that tying your laces like this puts more support around the ankle, releasing the pressure from the top of the foot. It’ll help keep your foot from cramping, it’ll improve your performance, and it’ll improve the overall quality of your run.

“I use it, and I’ve been using it for the past twelve years because the technique works. It works for everyone, but especially helps people who have high arches and pronate a little bit,” Pino said. “Usually for long distances it’s best, because that’s when your form gets sloppy and the pressure is going to create more blisters.”


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